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Lucas County, Ohio

This Bicentennial Barn has seen better days, therefore we had to photoshop the barn’s ghost back into place. It was once used to raise vegetables. 🍆🥔🌶🥗🥦🥒🥕🌽🍅🥬🧅🧄🍠🫑

The Great Toledo War for the rights to the disputed Toledo Strip, 468 square miles of land between Ohio and Michigan, runs right through Lucas County. A county named for its governor, Robert Lucas, who ensured the land stayed with the people of Ohio while Michigan gained the Upper Peninsula as consolation.

The county’s dispensaries include @bloommedicinals Maumee and @risedispensariesohio Toledo.

Featuring our stainless steel Extract Dosing Tool, perfect for scooping your session and ready to handle the heat of its surroundings.

#24Down #64ToGo #OhioBicentennialBarn #OhioBarnTour #OhioBarns #HundredPercent #LadybugExtracts #ScoopandScore #OhioMMJ #710