On our travels through Southern Ohio, we came across this Bicentennial Barn, which was painted to commemorate Ohio’s 200th birthday. This barn stands on the first settled property in the area in 1793 by Thomas Kirker, Ohio’s second governor. Originally constructed 17 years after the Civil War, the barn was built to house horses, livestock, and to hang tobacco, similar to the process of curing cannabis.
Adams County is named for our second President, John Adams. The county is home to the Great Serpent Mound, the largest prehistoric serpent effigy in the world, which evidence suggests it being 2,000+ years old. A notable resident of the county is musician Joseph Edgar Foreman.
Featured Product: Infused Cannabis, a product line developed by Hundred Percent Labs to deliver Concentrate effects in Flower form. Buds are ground down in order to be homogeneously infused with Cannabis Extracts.
The county’s closest dispensary can be found to the north in Hillsboro @verilifestores or to the west in Mount Orab @upliftmt.orab
#35Down #53ToGo #OhioBicentennialBarns #OhioBarnTour #OhioBarns #OhioMMJ #AdamsCounty #InfusedCannabis #HundredPercentLabs #LadybugExtracts #BlackGarlic #TruffleMonkey #MeatPie #Homewrecker #StrawberryGuava #Chem91 #PapaDon